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Nutri-Life BAM™ - BULK

Regular price $129.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $129.00 AUD
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Multipurpose blend of anaerobic species for soil, compost and plant health.

This breakthrough probiotic blend contains lactic acid bacteria and purple non-sulfur bacteria plus beneficial yeasts and microbial exudates.

Key Performance

  • Improve plant growth, health & resilience
  • Increase nutrient availability
  • Improve soil structure & water holding capacity

Growth Stage

  • Pre-planting
  • Planting
  • Pre-flower, Flowering, Fruit Set & Fill


Contains a blend of beneficial. anaerobic organisms including phototropic non-sulfur bacteria and lactic acid bacteria

pH 2.5 - 4.0
Appearance Brown liquid

Application Rates

Crop Foliar Spray Rate
Fertigation Rate Frequency
Horticulture, Ornamentals & Turf 300 mL – 1 L per 100 L of water up to 7 L/ha 5 – 30 L/ha Weekly or as required
Broadacre Crops & Pasture 300 mL – 5 L in a minimum of 70 L of water
As required


Drip-off Plant Drench (to improve resilience of stressed plants): Dilute 1:500 with water and thoroughly wet foliage, stem/trunk beyond the point of run-off to include a root zone soak. Repeat monthly or as required.

Compost Addition: 1 L per m ³ . Dilute with water and distribute evenly throughout compost pile (e.g. apply a little to each layer as compost pile is built). Cover compost heap with a secure tarp or similar to create anaerobic conditions. Turn compost at 2 weeks and again at 3 weeks

Seed Treatment: 5 L/tonne of seed. Mix with sufficient water for good coverage. Include with Seed-Start ™ at recommended rates for best results (total mixture should not exceed 12 L/tonne of seed)

Effluent Ponds: Apply at the rate of 1 L per 10,000 L pond water.

Small Ponds: Can be added slowly over time into the pond inflow, or sprayed evenly over the pond surface.

Large Ponds: For areas that cannot be reached by spray application, mix the BAM ™ with clay and make a clay ball, allow it to dry in the cool until firm. BAM ™ “mud-balls” can be thrown into the centre and around the dam. The balls break down and release the microbes.

Liquid Inject: 3 - 51 /ha

Septic Treatment: 125 mL down the toilet once a month

Water Troughs: Double action as a broad spectrum probiotic for livestock and preventing algae build-ups. Apply at the rate of 1 L per 500 L of water.